Grammar Enrichment: Noun Suffix 2

Noun Suffixes 2

Halo Kiseki English students, how were things going with you? I hope good things happening to you all. How is school? How is work? All is well, I hope so.

Ok, minggu lalu kita sudah bahas tentang Suffix untuk Noun bagian pertama. Nah sekarang kita akan lanjutkan bagian kedua dari Suffix noun. Minggu lalu kita sudah bahas Suffixes seperti -ment pada amusement, -al pada betrayal, -ance pada assistance, -ture pada fixture, dan -sion pada division. Nah, sekarang kita lanjutkan ya untuk akhiran pada Noun atau kata benda. Masih menggunakan kata kerja atau verb sebagai kata dasarnya.

Suffix -tion to form  noun

Appreciate - Appreciation

Celebrate   - Celebration

Communicate   - Communication

Concentrate - Concentration

Construct  - Construction

Contribute  - Contribution

Cooperate  - Cooperation

Create        - Creation

Decorate    - Decoration

Distribute  - Distribution

Delegate   - Delegation

Elaborate  - Elaboration

Estimate   - Estimation

Exhibit      - Exhibition

Graduate   - Graduation

Humiliate  - Humiliation

Illustrate   - Illustration

Instruct    - Instruction

Intimate   - Intimation

Legislate   - Legislation

Motivate   - Motivation

Prohibit    - Prohibition

Relate       -   Relation


I never thought she would give her high appreciation to my works.

Good communication is the key to successful business.

You need to improve the decorations in the booth to attract more visitors.

Suffix -tion with some changes in noun forms. Pay attention to the ending /m/ and /b/ and /v/ in the base form.

Absorb     -     Absorption

Assume    - Assumption

Conceive  - Conception

Consume  - Consumption

Deceive    - Deception

Perceive   - Perception

Receive    - Reception

Resume   - Resumption


Some netizens made naive assumptions from the airplane accident without knowing the truth. 

She terribly has zero conception of what she is writing in her novel.

Suffix -tion with some changes in noun forms. Pay attention to the ending  /n/ or /nd/. The suffix will have -sion or -tion in the noun form.

Ascend      - Ascension

Extend      - Extension

Pretend    - Pretension

Retain       -  Retaintion

Suspend   - Suspension


Christian people celebrate Ascension Day forty days after Easter or ten days before Whitsunday.

The unprofitable extension of the affiliate has largely contributed to the loss.

Other exceptions in suffix -tion as follows (bahasa Inggris itu kalo diperhatikan banyak banget pengecualiannya lo. Jadi hati-hati ya)

Convert - Conversion

Digest        -   Digestion

Exhaust - Exhaustion

Introduce  - Introduction

Resolve      - Resolution

Revolve     - Revolution


After weeks of sleepless nights, exhaustion from staying awake forced to sleep. 

Her short  introduction left some questions to her classmates.

Suffix -ation to form noun:

Adapt             - Adaptation

Administer    -  Administration

Adore             -       Adoration

Alter               - Alteration

Conserve        - Conservation

Continue         - Continuation

Form                -   Formation

Inspire             -  Inspiration

Occupy            -     Occupation

Proclaim         -  Proclamation

Reform            - Reformation

Register          - Registration

Restore           - Restoration

Tempt             - Temptation

Transport       - Transportation


The administration to be a civil servant is really tough.

We need a conservation for the abandoned animals to keep them alive.

Suffix -ition to form noun

Compete   - Competition

Depose      - Deposition

Dispose     - Disposition

Expose      - Exposition

Impose      - Imposition

Propose     - Proposition

Acquire (unusual form) - Acquisition


The next competition between two prominent schools in town must be really exciting.

The deposition of some ministers in this era might be close to political views.

Suffix -ification to form noun:

Amplify    - Amplification

Beautify    - Beautification

Certify       - Certification

Clarify       - Clarification

Fortify       - Fortification

Identify    - Identification

Justify       - Justification

Notify       - Notification

Purify       - Purification

Qualify     - Qualification

Note: Ada perbedaan pada arti ketika Suffix diletakkan. Misalnya: beauty dan beautification adalah bentuk Noun. Namun memiliki arti yang berbeda. Demikian juga dengan kata-kata berikut ini:

Certification - certificate

Identification - identity

Justification - justice

Purification - purity

Qualification - quality

Kalian bisa cek arti masing-masing kata ya. Jangan lupa untuk juga mencoba membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata tersebut. Kalian akan bisa membedakannya dengan mudah. 


The new governor works tirelessly for the beautification of the city where I was born.

Gubernur baru itu bekerja keras untuk memperindah kota di mana saya dilahirkan. 

The modern high-tech houses use modern air purification system.

Rumah modern dengan teknologi tinggi menggunakan sistem pembersihan udara yang canggih.

Some exceptions in verb-noun pairs ending in -fy and -tion.

Liquefy    - Liquefaction

Putrefy    - Putrefaction

Satisfy     - Satisfaction

Nah, untuk latihannya, kalian bisa cek di Google Form ini ya. Kalian bisa sesekali menengok list suffix disini. Tapi kalo bisa sih, jangan sering-sering yaaa :D

Ohya, jangan lupa untuk kunjungi juga channel Youtube Kiseki English Study untuk video presentasinya ya.

Thank you for dropping by. See you in the next discussion. See you when I see you 
Lila Podungge Membaca, Menonton, Mereview

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